We are grateful to the many colleagues and friends on and off campus who have generously offered their time and expertise.
Within Loomis, there are so many people to thank. Former HPR chair Harrison Shure was integral to the launch of the project. Katharine Brush Library director Eric Styles has always made it easy for the Loomis community to complete research. Ashley Augustin, Lilian Hutchinson, and the inspiring student leaders of PRISM have been our sounding board and inspiration. And the work of Mark Williams served as inspiration for faculty and students alike.
Mary Forrester and Lynn Petrillo and their colleagues in the office of Strategic Communications and Marketing have been delightful to work with as this project has taken shape.
Thank you to Lori Caligiuri and Reem Aweida-Parsons who have made space in their history classrooms for this work. And to all of the CLUSH students who have thoughtfully contributed to the project.
Beyond the Island, we are grateful for the many people who have believed in this project and have helped us to make it a reality.
The enthusiasm and guidance of Kirt von Daacke and Ashley Schmidt at UVA have meant a great deal to us.
We thank the Windsor Historical Society and Windsor’s Town Clerk’s office. At WHS, Michelle Tom shared some of her research with us, and we look forward to learning more together in the future.
In Charleston, we learned a great deal from Mary Jo Fairchild, Martha Zierden, Molly Silliman, Sarah Ferguson, Marianne Cawley, Nic Butler, and The Very Rev. J. Michael A. Wright. Thank you to the staff at the College of Charleston’s Honors College who allowed us to explore 10 Green Way. Thank you to the Dial family for lending us the family Suburban for the week.
Thank you also to Ethan Kytle, Danielle Cox, Maurie McInnis, Michelle Torres, Sarah Platt, and Aaisha Haykal for providing guidance as we prepared for and processed our archival work in Charleston.
This project would not have been possible without the steadfast support of Dr. Sheila Culbert. We thank her and the deans of faculty, Andrew Matlack and Adnan Rubai, for creating the space and funding for this work. Thank you also to Nat Follansbee and the trustees who have so earnestly supported our work and posed helpful questions along the way.